Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Globe of Science at CERN

The Globe of Science, originally uploaded by whitecoquelicot.

I got to visit CERN this week and learned a bit more about the famous Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The next particle physics experiment named ATLAS is scheduled for launch this November-December, in which they will try the proton-proton collision. They say the results from this experiment will give insight into the origin of mass, dark matter, and black holes. Exciting nerdy matter. Geneva, Switzerland October 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

Patricia's Big Day

Patricia's Big Day, originally uploaded by whitecoquelicot.

Congrats to Patricia and Patrick for tying the knot!
Here we see dancin' Patricia on her big night.

Genève, CH
October 2009