We very much enjoyed the bike ride along this beautiful lake of Toya.
Toyako, Japan
Juin 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
my ferrari
world under my head
Colin's awesome headstand on the stone bridge along the lake.
Toyako, Japan
June 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Sendai at night
After days of pouring rain, when we finally had a clear evening, we couldn't resist to check out the city at night. This is the view from the 30th floor (the top) of 仙台SS30店 building in town.
Sendai, Japan
Juin 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Neko & friends
We hijacked these little kitties at the museum store after visiting the Keisuke Serizawa museum in Tohoku Fukushi University campus. From the taste, I would guess some type of gingerbread cookie with a hint of green tea. It was a good combination with the Van Houten chocolate drink!
And did I say that I loved the Serizawa textile designs?
Sendai, Japan
Juin 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Sushi! おすし
Last weekend, we braved the torrential rain to try some very fresh seafood in the nearest fishing village named Shiogama 塩竈. The city is inundated with sushi restaurants, and the one where we had our lunch (I cannot remember the name) proved well worth visiting despite our rain-soaked clothes.
There, thanks to Miki, we even got to try the very special shrimp which lives in the local delta area where the cold and the warm streams meet. I did not know a raw shrimp could taste so sweet! We were instructed to eat EVERYTHING, including the head which was lightly flamed and crunchy like chips!
Shiogama, Japan
Juin 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
My Name
Lately, as I'm learning Japanese, I'm fascinated by the Kanji characters. After installing the East Asian Language support on my Windows, I was excited to be able to type Japanese, Korean, and Kanji! It could even be done vertically as these languages used to be read from top to bottom, left to right!
Here, I researched a bit on my Korean name in Kanji. My last name "Lee" actually means Japanese plum! And my first name "Su Jin" means excellent and beautiful truth. I'm grateful to my parents for building me such a cool name!
June 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Kinkasan Island 金貨山
For a change from our daily city life in Sendai, we ventured out a bit further this time, to the small island of Miyagi prefecture called Kinkasan which literally means "Mountain of Gold".
The name probably is derived from its 1,250 years old Koganeyama Shrine which sits on top of the island hills and is said to bring financial prosperity if visited three times in consecutive years.
We stayed in a very friendly family-run guesthouse called Shiokaze minshuku. This small budget inn is situated right on the cliff, facing the coast, and it being the low season, we were the only guests and were lucky to have a room with a great view of the sea. For dinner, we were served some very fresh seafood, including a live sea urchin that kept crawling in our dinner set!
Sendai, Japan
Mai 2009